Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ao# 20: 2005

Administrative Order
Series of 2005



The shift of the Department of Social Welfare and development’s-mandate from direct service provider to enablers of intermediaries requires provision of technical assistance, to effectively implement programs, projects and services that will alleviate poverty of life. The DSWD’s intermediaries include National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), People’s Organization’s Pos) and other members of civil society. The bulk of these technical assistance responsibilities consist of capability building intermediaries to ensure quality service delivery.

The Social Welfare Institutional Development Bureau (SWIDB), the training arm of the department is responsible for the department of organizational development and capability building framework and responsible for the establishment of networks and linkages. In recognition of the vital role of the NGUs, LGUs, NGOs and also in response to the growing demands for capability building, there is a great need for the DSWD thru SWIDB, to maximize the existing resources in the environment through network of learning institutions.


Section 9 of Article 2 of 1987 Constitution, states that the State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living and an improved quality of life for all.

RA 7160 or the Local government Code of the Philippines in 1991, Section 2, Chapter 1, Title 1 General provisions of Book ! indicates that, the state shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure instituted through a system of decentralization whereby local government units shall be given more powers authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of decentralization shall proceed from the national government to the local government units.

In 1997, Department Order No. 20 was issued to enhance the role of the DSWD in steering the social welfare development sector through the adoption of organizational processes and structures. This shift expected DSWD to lead towards effective and efficient delivery of programs and services as well as the utilization of resources of the intermediaries and other social welfare development sector members.

In 1998, Executive Order 15 was issued which mandated DSWD to provide assistance to other LGUs, NGOs, Pos and other members of civil society in effectively implementing programs, projects services that will alleviate poverty and empower individuals, families and communities for an improved quality of life. It transformed DSWD in to a national policy and regulation institution for social welfare and development from which intermediaries will anchor their thrust and directions.

Under the Rationalization ad Streamlining Plan (RSP) DSWD assumes its new role on policy-making, program development, standard setting, accreditation and compliance monitoring and advocacy specifically for the Central Office with the Field office taking on the responsibility as technical assistance provider.

The Passage and approval of the memorandum Circular No. 32 s.2004 know as the Institutional development Framework reiterated the establishment of the learning network as part of the intervention design for the department to perform effectively.

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